Kalanchoe Humilis
Mid Autumn 2020
Mid Autumn 2020

I think she's gonna be OK still not sure about the little one. A little warm air and sun from window and grow light making a big difference

You should change the link to #penwiperplant #kalanchoe-penwiper 🖋 Just a simple spelling error! 😋

It comes up as a gremlin? @KariSamuel

#kalanchoe-marmorata is the one you are looking for. There are small differences between the two. If yours has the splashes of *pen ink* then it is definitely a pen wiper plant!

It has like tiger stripes
Mid Autumn 2020

#windowsthrill #kalanchoe-penwiper one of them is growing a couple roots of the stem, anyone know why this could be?
@heatherdirtyhands this is the top half of the one that fell over when I forgot it out in the cold.
U could even make that 2 plants by cutting right below the top 2 leaves just leaving a little stem and that'll root and then it'll regrow from right above the base leaf just make sure u cut it right above the bade leaf u may have a tiny piece of stem u can throw away or try to propagate. Hope that makes sense