Mentha x piperita f. citrata 'Chocolate'
Chocolate Mint
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Mid Spring 2020
- 11
Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 2
Late Spring 2019
- 1

Mentha x piperita f. citrata 'Chocolate'
Mid Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2020

Little mint guy has a big job to do with repopulating my mint stash 🤣 but in all seriousness I have my bramble berries and my citrus trees and I managed to save the reaper pepper😅 so mainly everything I had in the back of my truck and greenhouse got destroyed and thrown around so what's not sitting in water is getting replanted and I'm a little frustrated about the herbs cuz I struggle the most with growing those but thank you @dirtgirlworld and @Dragon_Warrior for the condolences 💕💕 I'll be

Wow! I want #chocolatemint 🥰 I struggle with herbs now. Several years ago, in Australia, I had the biggest cilantro plant ever. I also had an apple mint that I loved 💕 Hang in there, life is constantly changing 🙂 @midgetwizard

@Dragon_Warrior if I knew how to ship plants I would definitely send you some of this mint it takes over so easily! And im sorry about you losing your plants it's the saddest ever for a gardener.

Yeah, I have moved a lot. It's sad, but I've had incredible experiences along the way. I also had an avocado tree 🌳 in Fort Lauderdale Florida that was amazing 🥰 I used to climb out my bedroom window onto the roof and collect the biggest and tastiest avocados ever. Such amazing memories 💖 I also planted an avocado tree in Orlando Florida but moved before it ever fruited 🙄

@Dragon_Warrior that's amazing lol

@midgetwizard I also got to plant 3 eucalyptus trees in Australia when I became a Citizen 🥰 I also made a pond at that house. I have no clue if it's still there, but it's something I'll never forget 💕

Then, I thought it would be cool to take a local tree with me and plat where I move. Unfortunately, I was unable to keep my grapefruit tree alive in North Carolina 😢 But, I'm learning new things and loving every minute 🙂

@Dragon_Warrior you've got alot of cool memories and experience that's really great!!

@midgetwizard Sorry for the rambling, lol 😆 Clearly I've been drinking 🍸

@Dragon_Warrior lol it's totally ok I love hearing about cool stuff like that

#fragrant #101uses
Mid Summer 2019

They look lovely now that they get trimmed regularly, I'm thinking about separating them soon into another pot to make them more healthy looking. They sure do grow like wild fire though 😋🤣
Early Summer 2019

I have no idea if I killed the plant or not but I trimmed back some of the mint and I have clippings drying and I made some mint spray last night

@gardengirlla oh ok thx 😆
Late Spring 2019

These plants were given to me and i love them
This guy is ready for some soil and by next week or so it should be spreading and colonizing 🤗🤗 #mint #mintplant #restarting #mint-cuttings