Hi Midiya, the little round ones at the front is string of pearls, the small low one behind it is Graptopetalum Mendozae, the pink, green one to the left behind that is Sedum. Rubrotinctum, the tall green one is pink pink ice plant (corpuscularia), the really pink fine one is Sedum Spurium Tricolour and the last one next to it is Sedeveria Maialen.
Can somebody help me identify this plant? I just got these succulent from my friend, Thanks!
Hi Midiya, the little round ones at the front is string of pearls, the small low one behind it is Graptopetalum Mendozae, the pink, green one to the left behind that is Sedum. Rubrotinctum, the tall green one is pink pink ice plant (corpuscularia), the really pink fine one is Sedum Spurium Tricolour and the last one next to it is Sedeveria Maialen.
You’re a wealth of knowledge! @Yollymac
@ausgardentags thank you! ☺️
@Yollymac thank you so much.😘
You're very welcome!