I checked through my pics, but my apologies if I've posted this one before. Why do I make a fuss of Cotton Candy? Well it really stands out and sends out other shoots from the stem. I never expected that. I can't help but be impressed with it. I need even more of it in different colours 😃yes that's what I need. Another search begins while I'm waiting for my Periscaria to flower, not to mention, the Cosmos!💕💕❤❤
😃The white one is 😃Candy Cotton lives up to its name. It starts off like a normal size withouth the fuffy appearance, then sometime later it goes fluffy!!😃
I'm so very pleased how one of my favourite plants is doing 😊😊it's absolutely thriving since I moved it. It's grown tall and healthy and I've never seen it flower like this. It was definitely not a happy plant where it was before. I think I should change my username to "the mover" because I do quite a lot of moves plant wise. And hey I'm pretty good on the dancefloor too!😃💕💕
I'm constantly moving plants in my garden. I probably spent 65% of my time in the garden moving plants. Good thing, the majority of my garden are container plants 😅
Wow they-re quite a size this year and look marvellous!#gianthyssop #cottoncandy 😊😊💕💕
Oh that's a pretty one 💕💕