I've had a great day today! 😀Despite not seeing Fuller shelves, thanks to those rotten silly panic buyers. I really tried, and with the help of my good friend also called Chris, we eventually found what I wanted to get for my sister, at good old Wilko's! I got excited when I saw anti-bacterial wipes! Wilko were the only place (at Junc 27) where they had any. Also, some Anti-bac spray too. My sister runs a pub. It just makes me think how these greedy rotters would behave if there was a war on! I
If there was a war on hopefully some of those greedy rotters would be conscripted! They’d get their comeuppance then!!! Let’s hope what goes around comes around 🤞
@jacaranda I agree Barbara. Everyone I spoke to today was disgusted at the behaviour. It's just nonsense and completely unnecessary we in the UK are far from a pandemic. Yet these senseless fools haven't got the intelligence to stop and realise that. The media are to blame in this too as they've spread panic. The Supermarkets need to get their act together because they'll keep over buying while ever they're allowed to. It sickens me 😳😠
It’s such a depressing time, Christine, but we need to stay positive and let the idiots get on with it. This awful time will eventually end and I hope we emerge on the other side as a more caring nation. Enjoy your garden and keep posting your lovely photos 😍😘
I've had a great day today! 😀Despite not seeing Fuller shelves, thanks to those rotten silly panic buyers. I really tried, and with the help of my good friend also called Chris, we eventually found what I wanted to get for my sister, at good old Wilko's! I got excited when I saw anti-bacterial wipes! Wilko were the only place (at Junc 27) where they had any. Also, some Anti-bac spray too. My sister runs a pub. It just makes me think how these greedy rotters would behave if there was a war on! I
If there was a war on hopefully some of those greedy rotters would be conscripted! They’d get their comeuppance then!!! Let’s hope what goes around comes around 🤞
@jacaranda I agree Barbara. Everyone I spoke to today was disgusted at the behaviour. It's just nonsense and completely unnecessary we in the UK are far from a pandemic. Yet these senseless fools haven't got the intelligence to stop and realise that. The media are to blame in this too as they've spread panic. The Supermarkets need to get their act together because they'll keep over buying while ever they're allowed to. It sickens me 😳😠
It’s such a depressing time, Christine, but we need to stay positive and let the idiots get on with it. This awful time will eventually end and I hope we emerge on the other side as a more caring nation. Enjoy your garden and keep posting your lovely photos 😍😘
@jacaranda Bless you Barbara. And yours too. I'm very happy with my plants and garden. Pets too. If I've got them I need little else 😊😊