Rock rose
Late Spring 2020
- 16
Late Spring 2020
- 13
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 17
Late Spring 2018
- 3

Late Spring 2020
Late Spring 2020

A nice surprise to see these today 😊😊♥️♥️💛💛

With all those buds, there'll be loads out soon. 👍

@jeatacake I hope so. That would be lovely. I just hope they don't bloom too soon as we're forecast wind! 😳

Oh that's a thought 😟 hopefully they can hang on a day or 2 longer 🤞

@jeatacake Fingers crossed. After all the flowers only last a day don't they 😳

Pretty much. Mine are losing petals already even though it's been pretty calm 😒

@jeatacake It's a shame they don't last isn't it 😓

Very pretty 😍

Mine has been completely de-petalled already today. Just glad the pink one isn't in full flower yet 😣

@jeatacake Oh no. That's awful. It's so windy. I hope my Lupins and everything else is ok. The pink Lupins look pretty sturdy but the purple one is taller and longer in the flower stem. Fingers crossed there isn't much damage to all our gardens 😳♥️♥️

My biggest fear would have been the Japanese poppies including Patty! Fortunately only a few flowers are out on them so far, but the wind here I'd terrible right now 🌪😟

@jeatacake Yes, Patty is delicate. I've got some strong buds but I just hope nothing happens to spoil her this year. She was ruined last year. My recent post shows that I finally got my order from You Garden, have you seen the state of the poppies? They're Meconopsis, and two out of three are applied. Can you believe it after waiting over a month they send me two poppies that are too tall and they folded then over! 😳I've complained and sent two photos. Inadequate packaging. 😓😳
Late Summer 2019

Last couple of flowers now on this super pink shrub 😊😊💕💕
Early Summer 2019

I love this colour 😊😊💕💕
Late Spring 2019

More blooms on this but unfortunately the flowers don't last long at all and this breeze isn't helping much ❤❤Have a great weekend friends!

Do they keep on sending more flowers out though? ☺😍

@anges Yes they do. I am pretty sure these are new blooms; there are so many buds on the shrub I can hardly believe how many. When I bought it 2 years ago it was a really little thing. I never dreamed it would grow like this. It's an amazing shrub 😊😊

Thanks Christine, I like the way they look crumpled ☺

@anges Yes they look like paper petals; but that's most likely why they don't last long sadly 😮
Late Spring 2018

I don't think I've ever had 3 blooms at the same time on this shrub but it's nice when it happens. These are really delicate flowers and in my experience (I'm careful watering and don't touch it) the flowers don't last any longer than a day! There are lots more buds to flower and some have even got 3 buds on the stem so what's going to happen there I don't know. We'll see 😊😊❤❤

I had 10 blooms on mine on Tuesday, there's 4 today 😊😊

@pelly How many?!!! Wow! Did you take a pic I must have a look 😊😊

I'm sure you'll get plenty more👍 My white one is fizzling out now but the pink one is getting going 👍💕

@jasonsparkes1 Yes it seems to work that way. Sometimes I swear I even look at it and to spite me it throws its petals off!😃

@jeatacake Ooh that's good and a pink one too. You must be in touch with your feminine side 😃💕💕💕

Take a look at my latest "feminine side" post. If a feminine side is to appreciate beauty (in all its forms), then I'm guilty as charged M'Lord! 😳

@Ha ha 😃I'm over to your page now!!

I love these flowers Christine,they look so papery 😊 I must get a plant 😀

Be warned though @harebell the flowers don't last long at all. A day by my reckoning. If you do get one the pink ones are really nice 💕💕💕💕

@harebell If you have a Morrisons nearby that's where I got the Rock Rose from. I've got two others I'm just hoping one of them's pink!!😃If they're both white I'll scream!!😃😃

Thankyou 😀 I have 4 localish Morrisons,I shall pay them all a visit 😀 there so much cheaper than the garden centers....good luck with the colours! 🌸
Late Spring 2018

On my walk round this morning I saw a fold of white and later on it opened up! Lots more buds on the shrub so I hope I get more than last year. I did move it and.I think that could have done the trick 😃❤❤

Just wow, I need another of these and wondered which one, but this is it. Do you have a full name for it Christine? 🤔🤔

@pelly Oh no, I wish I did Jane 😕I've got three altogether but this one is a completely different shape shrub wise. I did get it from Morrisons. In fact I got them all from there. If you can get to a Morrisons they should have them if it's a good one. 😊😊I hope you can get one 😊
Look I've got one flower with a pink stripe, this is the second one now 😊😊💕💕
In difference there is beauty! 💗🤍💗 so wonderful!
Oh I love rockroses. Looks divine. 😍
I've checked all mine and not one, your very lucky 💗🤍
Impressive 💕
Oh wow 💕💕💕
Special 💕
Pretty little flower 💕🙂
How lovely
That happened with a few of mine too 😯
@dan5584 @philstalder @solly1961 Thank you guys. I prefer this Rock Rose to the other all pink one I've got. ♥️♥️