Helenium autumnale Mariachi 'Fuego'
Sneezeweed 'Fuego' (Mariachi Series)
Early Winter 2021
- 11
Early Autumn 2020
- 9
Early Autumn 2020
- 5
Early Autumn 2020
- 11
Late Summer 2020
- 11
Late Summer 2020
- 3
Mid Summer 2020
- 4

Helenium autumnale Mariachi 'Fuego'
Early Winter 2021
Early Autumn 2020

Did I say how much I love this Mariachi 💃♥️♥️

I like these too

I'm definitely a fan!

@charlotte 😁Great stuff 🧡🧡

I can see why, they're lovely 💛

Amazing and a margarita would go nice with them. @midnightgardener

They are very lovable 💕💛😊

@philstalder Ole' 💃 🍷

Early Autumn 2020

Marvellous Mariachi 💃♥️♥️🧡🧡

Very marvellous indeed

@columbiariver @DeborahBanks Thank you both 🧡♥️

Great pic!

@monaboghiu Oh thank you Ramona. I won't be taking any photos in the garden today. It's pouring down ☔☔
Early Autumn 2020

Wow! The Mariachi is choc full of flowers 😁🧡🧡♥️♥️

Love it 🧡❤️🧡

Very pretty 💛🧡🌻

@lovemygarden65 I love it too, my first one 🧡♥️

@hkyfvr Thank you Diane, it's proving to be a great plant 🧡♥️

You are very welcome. Glad it is growing so well for you 💛🧡

I have one too for the first time. Wonderful how they just pop all of a sudden. 😍

Just pit this one in last week 😍🌼

Beautiful! #sneezeweed #helenium

That's doing well!! 🌼🌼🌼😃

@anges It sure is, great plant 🧡♥️
Late Summer 2020

💃♥️♥️💛💛Have a Fab Friday folks 🥂

That's fabulous Christine 😍, didn't gave much like with my Helenium.

@lilybee Oh no, that's a shame Sue. I wonder what happened ♥️💛

I think it was part of a slug buffet earlier in the year and didn't recover!

Happy Friday to you too Chris 🤗

Thanks and you too Chris 💛❤💛

Love this one 💛💘💛💘

Beautiful 🧡💛❤️💛🧡

@Keely Thank you, so do I ♥️💛

@lilybee Oh no, I bought some Sluggo. Only used it once but it seems to do the job. Very small pellets so, I think they're better than the other bright blue bigger pellets

Lovely 😍
Late Summer 2020

Lots more in flower today ♥️♥️🧡

Gorgeous ❤️💛❤️

@pelly Oh thank you Jane. I love this plant ♥️♥️💛
Mid Summer 2020

Cataloguing my first Helenium, 15th Aug 2020 the blooms look very small and I thought they were big. Unless they grow bigger 🤔I hope so ♥️💛

Brilliant, they're still on my wishlist - must do something about it 😃🧡

@anges I must tick it off my wish list 😁🧡🧡

Yay it finally opened. Mine is going to any day now as well. 👍
I haven't overwintered any plants at all this winter. I do hope this wonderful plant isn't a casualty, last time I saw it it had really died off. I suppose they would but I'm hoping Fuego comes back. I love those sombrero type flowers 🧡🧡♥️
This is a #midwesternnative so unless you have it in standing water or you garden in Antarctica, the plant should be fine...
Mine come back each year, so 🤞🤞🤞
Always makes me chortle that name. Sneezeweed . How do they get those names.
And how are you today my friend 💓
@charlotte Not good really Charlotte. It looks like mum's leaving us very soon 😢😢 she's been fast asleep for two days except for very briefly opening her eyes. I think my poor sister might get that call in the night she's been dreading 😢😢
@joanboston Ooh good, there's hope then 👍♥️💛
You have had time to say good bye . So take comfort in that. Big hug. @midnightgardener
@charlotte I never liked that silly name. Who the devil comes up with these daft names 🤔♥️🧡
It was used in place of snuff when snuff would get scarce back in the 'old days' chris and @charlotte and mine came back last year from being planted the year before Chris
@columbiariver Thank you so much Laura. Take care of yourself 💕💕