Lavatera trimestris
Annual Mallow
Early Summer 2020
- 5
Mid Winter 2020
- 18
Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 7
Early Summer 2018
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 4
Early Summer 2018
- 7

Lavatera trimestris
Early Summer 2020
Mid Winter 2020

Thank you #mozzers A nice little Barnsley Baby which will look so pretty in a year or so 😊😊💕💕

Guess who's going to the Harrogate Flower Show this April. Only me 😀💕💕

That'll grow like the clappers Chris. I'm also 99% certain it'll flower this year 👍

@jeatacake I like it! I think I saw a tiny bud on it but can't be sure. I think you're right though and I hope so I've got just the spot for it 😊😊

I had some of these many years ago & they grow big & fast too once they get going. They certainly flower well & I think 1M high on the label could be a tad conservative! They won't let you down.👌

@jeatacake I've got 2 or 3 already established in the garden and I'm sure they're all from Mozzers and they flower greatly. This little one is going near the back and slightly in a corner. It needs room to grow of course but I'll plant wisely. Looking forward to spring or at least this awful storm passing over 🙄

Ah, I see I'm preaching to the converted here about these lavateras! 😁 It's been bad here, as I'm sure it has there too. 2 fence panels damaged (one completely destroyed) & half the roofing felt stripped off the shed. Going to Skipton on Saturday, so hoping it's calmed down by then 🙏

@jeatacake I don't know what's happened outside greenhouse wise. Last time I was out I put any loose things away or in the bin. I've got quite a collection of plant pots 😳I intend on using as many as I can for seeds as I don't think I'll have enough trays. I've got loads of seeds to sow 😊😊hopefully when this weather's passed I can make a start. Hope it's a good day for Skipton for you. I go to Whitby on Sunday really looking forward to that 😊😊

I hope it's all OK there. I use lots of little pots for seed sowing, to fit as many as possible in my heated propogators. Yes, let's both hope the weather is on it's best behaviour at the weekend!

@jeatacake Windy and rainy here but fortunately we never get flooded. I feel so very sorry for areas that do. Some awful images on TV of flooded areas 😳

I saw them. Hebden Bridge again, amongst others 😔

@jeatacake 😳Yes, and and Mytholmroyd (not sure about spelling) poor folks they really are having an awful tough time. A pub there from the inside of the pub the water level was about a foot above the window. They also had a hole in the window that had a hole in it which was spewing out more water in the place. You would've though someone would've tried to plug it. They only re furbed this pub after the 2015 flood and it's happened again. Just awful for them. The wind's whistling and howling
Mid Summer 2019

Mid Summer 2019

I love the colour of this mallow. It's so pretty. I really do need another one of these. I've got just the spot for it 😊😊💕💕

@gardengirlla Thank you Maggie 😊😊
Early Summer 2018

#wildlifewednesday #ukgardentags 🐝🐝

The bees will love these 🐝💕👌

@jeatacake Oh they do Ambassador they're always in those flowers and there are so many of them. I'm pretty confused about the poppy seeds 😕I've shaken heads but nothing. The lids are still on. This is all new to me but I can't have lost them can I? Have you harvested any seeds yet?😯

Ah, if the lids have no openings yet (like a pepper pot), maybe still not ready. Some of mine are just drying out now 👍

@jeatacake What a relief!! But they look so withered as though they should be ready. I'll check again 2m as I do each day. I've been plant buying today and bought a big flowering Scabiosa. I think I'll have to put it in the new patch because it doesn't look right in the border. Other places are too compact and dry. I'm going to have to have a move around oh start again! It'll have to wait until 2m 😊😊

We had rain fbis e ening. Not a huge downpour but fkrsg rain fir ammost 4 weeks. Hope you get some there. Most of my big poppy seed pids are ready now. Maybe Patty likes to keep everyone waiting? What is 2m by the way?

@jeatake 2m is tomorrow 😃I've just come in from the garden. I've done my plant moves and I think I'm happier with them now. Hopefully I can take some pics 2m (tomorrow) time for a cool drink now 😊😊
Early Summer 2018

Lavandera with Drumstick Allium. These go so well together I'm so pleased with them. My first Drumsticks 😊😊💜💜

They are lovely, Christine.

@kimguy Thank you. The Lavandera is amazing this year alrhough a bit 😃out of control!! The flowers have really come on strong this year it must be all the sun we've had. They'll get a good pruning after season 😊😊and those cute little drumsticks don't get me started!! I'm really pleased that I've got them here and there in the garden. I just need even more next year 😊😊

I'm sure you'll have lots after they seed!💜💜💜 @midnightgardener

@kimguy It's funny you should say that. I bought two little ones recently!!😃I think they're such lovely flowers and once the shrub establishes, wow!! Loads of flowers! Have a great day 🌞🌞

They are pretty and really put on a show. @midnightgardener
Early Summer 2018

More.flowering on this today. A handy tip but you clever ones have already thought of it; as this shrub is leggy I've propped it up a little bit with a brick! #handytip #useabrick #asaprop

Very pretty Christine 🌸🌸

Very handy things are bricks. I've dug up dozens of them here, but they have plenty of uses, like this! 👍

Nice mallow too by the way 🌸
Early Summer 2018

Just a few pretty blooms on this massive shrub!! After flowering I need to cut back; would you say @jeatacake 😊😊

It's lovely Christine. Once it's finished flowering, I'm sure it would benefit from a good hard pruning👍

@jeatacake I'll be sure to do that. I can't believe how tall its got and it's really leaning over too. Have a great weekend Jeff 😊😊

Yes they do get very leggy eventually & any strong wind can usually flatten them 😮 Thanks Christine. You too. I'm off to see an exhibition of the Terracotta Warriors from China tomorrow at Liverpool Museum. I never got chance to see them when in China a few years back.

Wow that sounds amazing @jeatacake I don't supposr

As I was saying @jeatacake I don't suppose you'll be able to take photos of something like that will you? When I went to Egypt many years ago they didn't like you taking photos in the tombs. I got one or two. Did you walk along the Great Wall of China? I love things like that. Have a great time 😃

Thank you. Looking forward to it. 😊👍🇨🇳 I hope I can take photos, or at least a few sneaky ones 😁 Yes I walked on the Great Wall. It was unreal being there, but very busy with thousands of tourists, mostly from other parts of China. Would like to go back one day.
It's nice to see this back in flower, although the flowers don't look their usual self. I love these 🌼🌼💕
It's such a pretty one 💞💞💞
Very delicate 💕🐝💕
The pink and white together is lovely
@DeborahBanks Thank you. I think so too 🌼🌼💕💕