Rosa 'Arthur Bell'
Rose 'Arthur Bell' (Floribunda)
Mid Spring 2024
- 4
Mid Spring 2024
- 3
Late Spring 2023
- 3
Late Spring 2021
- 7
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 5
Late Winter 2020
- 8

Rosa 'Arthur Bell'
Mid Spring 2024
Mid Spring 2024

I can't wait to see Arthur this season. He's got four buds on and he's really tall now. I cut him back last year as I didn't like the spindly way his stems were looking. He's thanking me I think 💛💛💛💛

Look forward to the flowers

@ajpool60gmailcom Ooh me too. I love my roses 💛💛
Late Spring 2023

Arthur is beautiful this year. He looked spindly last year so I pruned him back. He must've liked that and he's rewarded me with this lovely gift 💛💛💛💛

I love the way he changes colour…..🫶🏼

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom Yes, I'm sure he was a deeper yellow when he first bloomed 💛💛
Late Spring 2021

Arthur Bell mellowing in colour 💛💛

It’s a beautiful rose

@sharonhayden I'm so glad I chose it Sharon. He's a strong and sturdy chap 💛💛

Beautiful 😍

Gorgeous 🤍🤍🤍

Perfection! 🤩

@columbiariver @anges @pelly @italydiva How kind, thank you all so much. It's all Arthur's work 💛💛
Late Spring 2021

My first Arthur Bell this season. Photo taken yesterday. When I looked today he looked even better 💛💛
Late Spring 2020

My first bloom from Arthur 😊😊💛💛

Beautiful, my one is in bud. Lovely roses. 💛🌞

Arthur looking good 🐝

@solly1961 Ooh good. Think I've got another 3 on him. I hope they bloom together 💛💛

So pretty!! 💖
Late Winter 2020

Cataloguing my 4 ltr and biggest Rose to date. 20th Feb '20 what a beauty Arthur's going to be! He's a climber too! Woo hoo!🤠💛💛


I had this for years Chris it’s a fabulous rose with a beautiful perfume...sadly I lost it last year with a bit of rot...💛

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom Oh no that's such a shame. I know you love your Roses 😥💛💛

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom I knew exactly what I wanted at the GC. But the first one I chose wasn't a climber so Arthur was the next choice. I'd been after a yellow rose for a few weeks, but the cheap ones at Morrison's (no disrespect to them as I've got a great rose from them) they didn't look too good but my Arthur was just the one I wanted. All being well a friend of mine's going to buy me a David Austen rose for my birthday 💕💕

Mine wasn’t a climber Chris by the way but still beautiful...👍🏼

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom That's good to know. I wonder if they've got an Arthur in red. I'll have a look next GC visit 😊😊♥️♥️

Not that I know..
A lovely surprise today, Arthur's first bloom and three or four more to come. I do love a yellow rose 💛💛💛💛
Bright and beautiful 🥰
Me too Chris 💛💛
@debs69 @juliesgarden He smells wonderful too. I'm so pleased with Arthur this year 💛💛