Rosa 'Double Delight'
Rose 'Double Delight'
Late Spring 2023
- 9
Late Spring 2023
- 10
Late Spring 2022
- 10
Mid Summer 2021
- 8
Mid Summer 2020
- 6
Mid Summer 2020
- 3
Mid Summer 2020
- 1
Early Summer 2020
- 9
Early Summer 2020
- 5
Early Summer 2020
- 8
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Mid Winter 2020
- 2

Rosa 'Double Delight'
Late Spring 2023
Late Spring 2023

Boy, am I happy! 😄 Beautiful rose even though I do say so myself. I've got two this year. Roses and Peonies make me happy #doubledelight 💕💕🤍🤍

I love this rose , the smell is divine ..had to leave mine when I moved .. just planted a new one 👍🏻

Stunning rose 💗🤍💗

@juliesgarden Oooh I couldn't have done that. Mind you it depends how long they've been in position/planted. It can be risky moving them but I do ok 🌹🌹

@hkyfvr Thank you Diane 🤍💗

@juliesgarden I look forward to seeing your new D Delight 🤍💗

Always welcome Chris. 💗🤍

It was huge Chris so had to leave it behind sadly 😥

@juliesgarden Such a shame. It must've been hard having to leave it behind ♥️🤍

It was , but this one is coming along nicely 🤞😊
Late Spring 2022

This one smells so lovely. I just hope today's rain hasn't ruined her. God bless our wonderful Queen 👑I hope you all enjoyed a long bank holiday and any street parties you might have had. As for me, I was singing yesterday and really enjoyed it ♥️♥️


Gorgeous rose

That’s beautiful Chris. And they are so fragrant. I bought one 20 years ago and it was my first rose for my new house. Looks like the Jubilee was spectacular. They showed a lot of it here on the news. 🙂

Morning Chris.. one of my favourites

Beautiful rose ❤️💛

Morning Chris, she really is a delight! Beautiful 🤩

That’s such a beauty

Outstanding Photos 📸...

@DjTaz666 Thank you very much 🌹
Mid Summer 2021

It's so nice to see this pretty one in bloom 💕💕

So very pretty 💖🌟💖🌟💖

It’s lovely Chris 💗💛💗

@crabby58 @pelly Thank you. I love all my roses. For some strange reason the Nostalgia rose hasn't got even one bud on it 😳I only bought it last year. A poor performer, unlike all the others I have 💕💕

Very pretty Chris

Beautiful rose 💗💛💗


Mid Summer 2020

It's that rose again 😁♥️♥️

Stunningly gorgeous!! 💖💖💖

@suzieshadow1227gmailcom Thank you so much Suzie. Hope you're feeling better each day 💕♥️

You're welcome my friend. And I truly take one day, sometimes one minute at a time. Thank you for asking. 😍😘

My very first rose and I love it. Glad you have one and it looks marvelous. 😍

It sure is a delight! 💗
Mid Summer 2020

A lovely surprise today, my second bloom on this one ♥️♥️💕💕

It's very beautiful ❤💛

@london148 Thank you. I've got a better pic of it now ♥️♥️
Mid Summer 2020

Another Double Delight on the way. I hope this one's a bit tidier (less scruffy) than the first one 💛💛♥️♥️
Early Summer 2020

Just a smidgen tatty but very pretty too ♥️♥️💛

They should call that vanilla and strawberry ice cream!!

@tessafox-veling Oooh yes, that's exactly what it looks like 😋♥️♥️

Another beauty 😍

@midnightgardener what kind of writing do you do? I know its random but i just read ur bio and noticed that part! Just curious☺

Such a beutiful picture!

I like this one ❤💛

@cheyenne1barnett It's young children. Ages about from 8 to 13. I'm rewriting my first novel, but I'm slow with it, as I haven't done any writing for a few months! Which isn't good really. I really need to get back to it and get it done, otherwise I won't be able to chase a deal. I need a literary agent first. Nice of you to ask but I bet you didn't expect all this! 😁

Thats awesome i was an avid reader in those ages and i hope to get my kids into reading too.. Maybe your book will be done by the time they are old enough youve got time theyre 2 and 3 lol @midnightgardener
Early Summer 2020

Oh dear, my first bloom of this rose and it's looking tatty 😓I wonder what's happened. I check my roses for greenfly and treat accordingly. Something's happened to it, who knows what 🤔♥️♥️

Still has a nice color though. 🙂

@philstalder True, but I don't like the tatty look, not for a first time bloom 🤔

Oh I get it now. So disappointing. Hopefully more soon. 🙂

Hopefully it will be the only tatty one 💞💞💞
Early Summer 2020

I'm really looking forward to this one blooming. Won't be long now ♥️♥️💛

One of my favourites. Love the way the colours change.


Beautiful, it’ll be lovely when it’s fully open too.

@debsgarden99 I hope so, it looks a little bit damaged by something 😳 really hope it blooms ok. I don't want another disappointment. Fingers crossed 🙏♥️💛

@Annettenoosa It's the first bloom, or will be from this rose. I was just saying to Debs, that I hope it'll be ok, as it looks a little damaged by something. Some rotten bug maybe 🤔💛♥️

I am sure it will produce more flowers as your Summer progresses. England is where roses grow to perfection. They grow well here in the southern States too. Not for me though here on the coast, in the subtropics. I have a few but they do struggle. Look forward to seeing your Double Delight covered in blooms.

@Annettenoosa That would be nice but I think it'll be just one, or two blooms at the most from it. My Freddie Mercury rose just keeps producing amazing roses. I've got two out now they're fading just a little but, for a rose that was only planted mid April, he's doing really well. 🧡🧡
Late Spring 2020

This should be my Double Delight, and thank goodness for the one bud. It's got floppy looking foliage which is odd. All my other Roses, even the one that isn't growing, has perky foliage. Well sort of. Looking forward to seeing this one bloom ♥️♥️
Mid Winter 2020

I can hardly wait to see this in bloom. I put some rose food in that I bought along with it. Hope it helps ♥️♥️

I meant to catalogue this! 8/2/20 Catalogued ♥️♥️
She's fully bloomed today and beautiful #superfragrance #rose-doubledelight 💗💗🤍🤍
A delightful beauty. 😍😍
@charlotte @hkyfvr Thank you both very much 💗💗🤍🤍
Always welcome 😍
She really is a double delight Chris 🌹🌹🌹
Well named!
So pretty 😍