Ulmus parvifolia (Bonsai)
Late Spring 2020
Early Spring 2020


love this species.. i think this bonsai need reduce the branch and adjust wiring..

@sinukarta thank you so much! I’ve just started with bonsais and didn’t know how to wire properly. I’m watching videos and reading about that and the next work will be better for sure :)

i would like to help you if you need me Miki.. im beginner too.. lets learn bonsai together 😊👍

@sinukarta of course! That’s always better than learning alone 😜
Wiring :)
i think you need choose which one is the best branch.. 😁 #bonsai
@sinukarta It’s going to be the one on the left. I left both only to hold the wire so I could lower the one I chose. In a few months it will be cut 🙈
yap its hard choice right? 🙈
@sinukarta so hard for a novice hahaha 🙈
how its going Miki? already change this one?
Hi @sinukarta ! Had some problems with a plague and poor substrate. It’s still recovering but I have improved on other ones: two Punica granatum, one Juniperus squamata and a pine (still don’t know which one)
plague its common problems, dont give up just spay with insecticides medicine.. and if the branch is drying fast you can cut some branch to avoid dead branch, and prune some leaves also.. if necessary you can wrapping with a transparent plastic, so it would be like a green house environment to keep humidity.. i hope it would be help you Miki.. 😊
@sinukarta thank you so much for the advice, I will do all I can 😊