This is my Japanese spurge. Yep! Another epic Lowe's trip find! (Soon I will have all 16 up. Adding over 50 plants because I'm new has made me feel a bit overwhelming to others. I swear my post will calm down once I catalog them all.) Hopefully the half of this baby thar is still droppy will come back. She is slowly perking up though.
@savannahssucculentgarden thank you! You have definitely made me feel welcome and great plant love! You've been awesome! I love seeing all your plants!
This is my Japanese spurge. Yep! Another epic Lowe's trip find! (Soon I will have all 16 up. Adding over 50 plants because I'm new has made me feel a bit overwhelming to others. I swear my post will calm down once I catalog them all.) Hopefully the half of this baby thar is still droppy will come back. She is slowly perking up though.
I don't mind at all. The more plants the merrier! I still have older plants to upload myself.
@savannahssucculentgarden thank you! You have definitely made me feel welcome and great plant love! You've been awesome! I love seeing all your plants!
@minimimmy I've found a few great plant friends here, and you're definitely one of them! I look forward to seeing your posts and comments on mine. 😊🌱💚
I see we are in the same zones while I know the zones cover a vast area maybe if we are ever in the same area we can trade cutting and babies.