Acer palmatum 'Mapi-no-machi-hime'
Acer 'Little Princess'
Late Winter 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 3
Late Summer 2017
- 6

Acer palmatum 'Mapi-no-machi-hime'
Late Winter 2018
Mid Summer 2017

Mums beautiful Acer in all her glory in mums garden just before we moved it back in the beginning of August
Late Summer 2017

Not sure if these are the last of the living leaves or if these are fresh leaves 🍃 I think they are the former but still have hopes for this beautiful little tree 🌲 xx #acer #iloveacers
Late Summer 2017

I'm worried about mums green Acer tree we moved a month ago the trunk looks stunning colours but I'm worried this is a bad sign? #acer-advice-needed #acer #movingtrees #missingmum

I have Acer Altropurpureum, but it's in a large pot, they tend to like dappled shade, is your's in a pot?if so you could try moving it around the garden 😊

Thankyou for the advice @bees , both have been put into the ground with a mix of the soil they know and ericaceous soil and watering twice daily. I think the drainage is ok as the water soaks into the ground given time. I think he stress of moving locations has taken its toll, just hoping for there survival x
Late Summer 2017

One of Mum's acer's 4 weeks after moving (help from landscape gardener friend).The leaves are dying.I've been mixing Ericaceous soil & mud from mums garden and watering.The ground is damp and I'm worried I've over watered?Have been told the leaves may drop off & we will only know next spring if the leaves grow back if it's survived.Any tree specialists or enthusiasts with words of encouragement or tips? Mums 2 acers are the most important things in the garden I'm trying to save #advice-acer #mov

Good morning @amazingmaple I've seen some great advice you've given @welshmountainlady on acers. If you have the time could you take a look at above photo and offer any advice ? I have been told to leave the dead leaves and not prune back but feel uncomfortable with this imagining the tree is wasting energy trying to get nutrients to already dying leaves xx

Hi Jane, Acers need very good drainage, they don't like to have roots waterlogged, I have used John Innes No 2 compost to plant my acer it's very free draining,hope this helps 😊👍

I've not used that compost would it help if I got some and mixed in with soil around it? Only thing I wouldn't want to mix it up to low and disturb the roots when the tree has already been stressed x

soon it will lose its leaves anyway, see what i

Soon it will lose its leaves anyway, just keep an eye on it over winter and see what it's like in spring, really shouldn't be moved while in leaf,best time to move is when it's dormant in winter, sorry to hear about your mum and I understand you had to move it early, so just see how it goes, best of luck 😊
Happy Sunday everyone 🌞 ❄️ Thankyou @mikethegardener I just watched your video on YouTube about pruning back acres and am going to gently give it a go on one of mum’s Acers we had to move location in high summer last year, it’s not looking promising as I cannot yet see any buds on most of the branches. I’m only going to prune back the spindly skinny branches that exceed the shape of the tree and are very brittle. Link to mikes how to here: #acer #acer-advice
The spindly skinny branches look a bit like the ones you get after a heading cut (made straight across the branch). Maybe try a thinning cut (at an angle) to open up the framework.I've just been watching videos on pruning techniques.