Weigela florida 'Kolmagira' syn. Weigela florida 'Magical Rainbow', Weigela florida 'Rainbow Sensation'
Weigela 'Magical Rainbow'
Mid Spring 2018
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Early Spring 2018
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 1
Mid Winter 2018
- 3
Early Autumn 2017
- 3
Late Summer 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 2
Late Summer 2017
- 1

Weigela florida 'Kolmagira' syn. Weigela florida 'Magical Rainbow', Weigela florida 'Rainbow Sensation'
Mid Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

6.5.18 weigela back garden xxxx
Late Winter 2018

Promising photo mum’s beautiful Magical Rainbow 🌈 weigela looks healthy. Buds 🌱and bulbs 🌷 are the best #weigela #buds #bulb
Mid Winter 2018
Early Autumn 2017

Saw a lovely fluffy bubble bee 🐝 in mums weigela today so tried to get one of those beautiful pictures that everyone manages on @ukgardentags but all I managed was to get his little bum :) at least he enjoyed the flowers 🌺 #bumblebee

Nice bottom😅

A fuzzy bottom in a flower, love it😊 I can see it so I expect most will! Lovely plant too😎
Late Summer 2017

Think mums 2nd magical rainbow weigela, that is all brown and looking waterlogged, is budding! I researched and it said to scratch the bark & see if brown or green, some looks brown and some looks green so still not sure, but I've just seen these buds! Not decided if to re pot due to the water logging (must of happened a month ago now), I read somewhere that the soil changes it acidity/structure and so I should. But then again I don't want to keep stressing her out #waterlog #weigela
Late Summer 2017
Late Summer 2017

I love this beautiful weigela from mums front garden by her big living room window, I'd not paid much attention before and I'm sure this is the first year it's flowered or maybe I just hadn't noticed before. Seems to be happy at the moment, but unfortunately i potted the smaller one in a not well drained pot and all the leaves are brown and falling off. Hopefully I can save her #magicalrainbow 🌈#weigela #missingmum
24.4.18 mum’s xxxx surprised it’s flowering already :) not complaining though :)