Adromischus cristatus
Early Summer 2020
Late Summer 2018

Not in photo: Insanely long flower stalk.

Cool pot. Where'd you get it?

@DonNotDonny It came with a succulent (now long dead and forgotten--no great tragedy; she got it more for the pot, anyway) that my sister had bought at a nursery in Half Moon Bay.

Lucky find for her. Thanks, I'll keep an eye out.

#planter #egg
I've been so busy with the garden that I've been neglecting a lot of my #succulents. Not that they mind. "As long as you water us once a week, guy!" When a friend in the Bay Area gave me this eccentric little pot she'd made, it housed a #spiderplant and an #avocado(!) seedling. I wasn't emotionally ready to take care of a baby, however, so I left the pot with my sister in the Bay Area.
Fast forward to my visit to my sister last week: Both the spider plant and the avocado are gone, having succumbed to the mild winter chill (Ats had left the pot outdoors). So here we are with a more appropriate arrangement of odd plants with much smaller root systems and similar care requirements.
The #Adromischus will eventually reorient itself to maximize light exposure (flower stalk has already curved upward since yesterday's upheaval) and, as both plants (esp. the #Haworthiopsis) get bigger, I'll remove the lava rocks to accommodate their need for more room. The End. 8July2020