Calathea roseopicta
Rose Painted Calathea
Early Summer 2021
- 1
Early Autumn 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 3

Calathea roseopicta
Early Summer 2021
Early Autumn 2020

This guy is looking good. I hope it lasts.
Late Spring 2019

My sister loves Calatheas, even though they're annoying divas that eventually die under her care. This plant was one that she'd given to me when it was on its last legs. (People give me tropical houseplants, not knowing that it annoys me to have to give extra care to plants. Do they not notice my happily neglected succulent collection??) It was on the brink of death for quite some time, but now it has seemingly decided to keep on living. A humidifier, apparently, is the magic ticket. #Calathea
Late Spring 2018

My sister bought the plant but it wasn't doing great so I took it to the ER (a.k.a. my room) for some TLC (improved humidity, closer monitoring, etc) and now this frickin' diva has decided to live and rewarded me with a new leaf.
Mid Spring 2018

My sister bought this #CalatheaRoseopicta then found out that they are fussy af. I grudgingly took it in (not crazy about the plant, even more so since it turned out to be a deeve) and hopelessly watched as each leaf gave up the ghost. We are down to two leaves and I'm convinced that my horticultural superpowers had failed me when the other day what do I see are my eyes playing a cruel trick on me OH EM JEEEEEEE

Muchas gracias, @cyndi!

Please share those superpowers
Speaking of divas, this #Calathea has been thriving. 11July2021