Euphorbia tirucalli 'Rosea'
Mid Autumn 2020
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 5
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 1

Euphorbia tirucalli 'Rosea'
Mid Autumn 2020
Mid Summer 2019

So happy to see so much growth in my #EuphorbiaTirucalli. I've killed two of these in the past and this has been the most success I've had with this plant. I just need to be sure to bring it in as soon as the days start getting colder, although I'd like to think that larger, more mature specimens can tolerate lower temperatures. If you have experience with #Firesticks, please let me know. #succulent #SticksOnFire #succulentsunday 21July2019

Tagged you

Thanks, @Sussanah. I'm aware of Euphorbia's toxic qualities. Also, you've tagged me on that post before.

I find a lot of people over water these from what I have read. Mine isn’t as large as yours but I barely water mine .

@janetandjim that's news to me. Do those people not know that it's a succulent, perhaps?
Early Spring 2019

Second among the five plants I bought yesterday. Lost my other #Euphorbia-tirucalli to this past winter's rain and cold. This guy is definitely coming indoors in the fall. #firesticks #succulent #succulent-sunday

These will kill dogs. I’ll tag you

I'm aware that Euphorbias are toxic, @Sussanah. Thanks, though.
Early Summer 2018

Fire sticks finally reveals sign of life via two sprouts, yay!
Mid Spring 2018

Finally found an occupant for this pot. (Pretty sure I used a shino glaze. FYI, since you asked.) I've always been intrigued by #EuphorbiaTirucalliRosea but my sister doesn't see the appeal. She unintentionally got one several months ago when she bought a pot that was planted with an assortment of succulents. The Rosea doesn't seem to love the conditions that the others are tolerating, so I decided to save it from dwindling to death and repotted it. Moved it to a sunnier spot, too.
I've killed my fair share of these guys. Like #AdeniumObesum, I'd left them out during winter and they froze to death. This specimen, however, has thrived in this #strawberrypot, and I'd like to think that it's gained enough size to manage a Sacramento winter. 29Oct2020 #succulent #succulentgarden #succulentcollection #notcoldhardy