You know those people who gives out so many zucchinis that the neighbors pretend not to be home when they see you coming? You're going to be the exact opposite
Loads of fruit, but not the edible variety. The leaves, however, ensure that the #gulffritillarybutterfly will visit, as this is what its caterpillars love to eat. 6June2021
So much fruit. I should start offering them to my neighbors. 26July2021
You know those people who gives out so many zucchinis that the neighbors pretend not to be home when they see you coming? You're going to be the exact opposite
@emch Har! The fruit aren't edible, though. It's an ornamental, mainly grown for the flowers and as food for #GulfFritillary caterpillars.
Not edible? Well maybe they should plant the seeds anyhow
Incredible! 😍 Mine has a few leaves and no fruit.