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Profile Image Peevish Plant Nerd


Gardening is like cooking. To improve, you need to be willing to make mistakes and experiment. Also, common names are garbage. Zone 9b, West Sac, CA.

Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum 'Variegatum' syn. Polygonatum falcatum 'Variegatum'

  • Season Icon Mid SpringMid Spring 2020
  • Like Count 6

The last time I was in the Bay Area, I visited my sister and took some hanging baskets that I had left there. It looked like they were just full of soil and weeds, but one of them had my sister's dormant #SolomonsSeal in it. When flowering season is over, I'll return some of these pretties to her.

  • Season Icon Mid SpringMid Spring 2020
  • Like Count 6

Yesterday I planted basil, #calamansi, and cantaloupe seeds, then scattered wildflower seeds in certain spots in both yards. Also, I planted the #kangkong in soil in a pot that holds a lot of water. and I trimmed the #OkinawanSpinach and put the pieces in a container with water and an unexpectedly generous dash of rooting hormone powder. Then trimmed some overhanging tree branches, save for the part where I found a bird's nest that looks like a sock made of cobwebs and detritus. (24Apr2020)
