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Profile Image Peevish Plant Nerd


Gardening is like cooking. To improve, you need to be willing to make mistakes and experiment. Also, common names are garbage. Zone 9b, West Sac, CA.

Tillandsia xerographica

  • Season Icon Late SpringLate Spring 2018
  • Like Count 13

I'm under the impression that these plants are slow growers and that's kinda bugging me. I want to see the #bromeliad blooming RESPLENDENTLY after the crown has grow upwards and the leaves have gotten long and trail down so low that I have the pot on a platform. This is all happening at the (very, LOLz) same time that the orchids are sending out multiple sprays of beautiful, fragrant flowers that are constantly buzzing with RESPLENDENT hummingbirds! Y'all stay healthy and grow, 'kay??


Troodat. But it's my fantasy!
