Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea' syn. Tradescantia pallida 'Purple Heart'
Purple-Heart Spiderwort 'Purpurea'
Early Autumn 2020
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Early Spring 2020
- 4
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 3

Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea' syn. Tradescantia pallida 'Purple Heart'
Early Autumn 2020
Early Spring 2020

One of my favourite tradescantias! Yours looks like it's an amazing deep purple colour 💜

@Soph1e the funny thing is, I acquired this plant as a pale green cutting. My friend had it in a shady area of her house and I was baffled because it looked so unfamiliar. When she offered it to me I didn't even want it 'cause it looked so generic, ha ha. Then soon after I took care of it I placed it in a spot with more light and it started turning purple and I was like: "Hey, I totally know what this is!"

@misternatureboy it just goes to show what a difference the right conditions make. I took a cutting from one of my sister in law's tradescantias and mine looks totally different after moving it to my bathroom. The leaves have easily doubled in size and it's started to show it's variegated leaf pattern rather than being green.

Got my first cuttings and they’ve been flowering everyday. Two flowers fall and two pop up the next day. It’s fun to watch bloom. Like hey, bye sis lol
Mid Summer 2018

This plant has grown so much since my friend gave me a few green cuttings last year. I came across the two pots (terra cotta on the left; plastic on the right) while walking B yesterday. Some jerk had dumped them along a hiking trail.
Late Spring 2018

When a friend gave me cuttings of this plant--which she had growing indoors--they were green and unremarkable and I wasn't sure what species it was. Some months of exposure to sunlight later solved the mystery.

This is actually called "Purple Heart", the wondering Jew is green with a purple stripe down it, I have a picture of it on my profile

Thanks, @rlgravley79. Apparently, the common name "wandering Jew" applies to three Tradescantia species. This is #Tradescantiapallida (a.k.a. purple secretia, purple-heart, and purple queen) and you're referring to #Tradescantiazebrina. (The third is #Tradescantiafluminensis.)
I bought this mama 'cause she was extra purple. Spot the flower!
Cuttings root easily and the plant is hard to kill. I’ve had mine hanging outdoors under the shade of my Lilac tree since spring and it has tripled in size.