Phalaenopsis 'Allegria'
Moth Orchid 'Allegria'
Mid Autumn 2015
- 19
Late Summer 2015
- 10
Late Summer 2015
- 5

Phalaenopsis 'Allegria'
Mid Autumn 2015
Late Summer 2015

For @RayB #orchid No light! 😀

Superb 😉

Thank you @RayB 👍

That is beautiful

Thank you Kathy, all the flowers opened quite quickly, should last for a few weeks I hope. @kathy

Gorgeous. I have one of these on a south facing bay window. Has been there four years and flowers prolifically

It's been sitting in my utility room on the window sill for 2 years since last flowering, I repotted it last year and have watered it sparingly! Hopefully it won't take as long to flower again now if yours flowers so well @fuschia

Beautiful Mo! ❤️ I've never been successful with these.

Thanks Rich. I was told long ago only to give a teaspoon of water at a time. Most of mine have reflowered in time. @richard.spicer.7906 😄

Late Summer 2015

I've waited patiently for 2 years for this flower again! # orchid

It looks absolutely gorgeous👌. May I just say it would have looked better on its own without the lamp💡

You are so right @RayB! It is a distraction!! 👍

Wow beautiful 😍 orchids

Thank you Jules! 😀
The last photo I took of this amazing orchid was 7 weeks ago and it was in full flower then! ✨
Amazing #houseplant
It's beautiful
I love them mine has been flowering for ages too 😍
Best orchid I've ever had and well worth the two year wait for it to flower again! 😍 @kathy @justin
👍 @fuschia
Gorgeous, my favourite plant 😍😍
I love them but am hopeless with houseplants 😳
I'm usually hopeless as well @juliesgarden @debs69 I never remember to water them, maybe that's why I've been lucky with the orchid, it only gets watered about every 10 days or so! 😂
I hardly ever waters mine and it's fantastic lol x
It's stunning ❤️
Thanks @christineb I don't have many house plants but do keep all my orchids on the window sill in the utility room when they've flowered and just leave them be watering occasionally most have re flowered over time! ☺️@fuchsia