Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia syn. Saintpaulia
African Violet
Early Autumn 2024
- 2
Mid Spring 2021
- 4
Late Autumn 2020
- 3
Early Autumn 2020
- 3
Early Autumn 2020
- 3
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 1

Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia syn. Saintpaulia
Early Autumn 2024
Mid Spring 2021

Someone told me to water my violets with chamomile tea ..and low and behold they finally showed me their beauty !!!!

That's a cute flowering plant😍

Beautiful violet 💗🌸
Late Autumn 2020

#container I have a thing for pigs and couldn't resist this little piggie planter !'

Aww, love your piggie 🐖 #luvthatplanter

Cute little piggie. Love this 💕😊
Early Autumn 2020

Not my plant..but had to show her off. I work in a nursing home and to see the joy on my residents face when this blossomed ..we work hard together taking care of her plants and it gives my such a great feeling to see her so happy ..especially now when she can't have any visitors. Its the little things that matter 😁💞

So sweet. It is the simple things that matter. Beauty and kindness. Love and caring. Thanks for working with Seniors. 👍❤️🌸

It's beautiful!
Early Autumn 2020

Finally was able to find african violet food..and couple weeks later they finally bloomed !!


If you can't find that food in the future- worm castings seem to work well for mine :)
Mid Summer 2018

I am a nurse's aide,I took care of a very special lady who gave me this plant,unfortunately she is no longer with us,but when this plant blooms I think of her and it brings a smile to my face !! 😇

😢 aww that’s so sweet 🙂
Mid Summer 2018

Pretty proud of myself.. purchased an African violet on clearance and a leaf fell off I stuck it in dirt and a few months later I have a whole new plant growing!!! #satisfaction #newgrowth #africanviolet
Finally got a new round of flowers!! It has been a long time ! #bloom #africanviolet-flowers
Beautiful flower 💜🤍