Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018

Help me identify this plant! Some sort of spurge? Has very distinctive leaf structure, straight along the branches on all four sides. Fairly thick leaves. #plantid

No not a spurge, this is a hebe Milly!

Thanks @rbetts25 ... hopefully I’ll get something other than leaves on it at some point then?!

No problem. I have a very similar one (maybe even the same) and I hate to disappoint but in 8 years I’ve only had 2-3 flowers on it. Having said this, I looked at it today and there looks to be lots this year, so I guess there is potential 🤞

Oh dear @rbetts25 ... as I’ve just cut back a fair amount of dead foliage I think flowers this year is really pushing my luck!!

Funnily enough I cut mine back quite hard this year for the first time, so maybe it quite likes it!
I don’t believe it @rbetts25 a flower on my hebe! It must have heard us talking. Got to say, it’s not a very impressive flower but still ...
Haha, that’s hilarious. Mine’s a little behind this one. It must like a chop, that’s where I’ve been going wrong for years. No, not the most impressive compared to some hebes, needs to be filed in the ‘planted for foliage section’....