xGraptoveria Silver Star
Graptoveria 'Silver Star'
Mid Summer 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 2
Late Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 1

xGraptoveria Silver Star
Mid Summer 2020
Late Spring 2019

This plant gets more and more beautiful every day! #proudplantmom #graptoveria

@mpinder WOW this is beautiful.
Late Autumn 2018

I almost gave up on my graptoveria succulent after it got sunburnt during the heat wave last summer. I thought I might pick off what was damaged and try to propagate some of them, leaving the original plant looking pretty straggly (left). I’m glad I held on to it though, as it really came back strong! Even had to transplant it to a bigger pot to give it some space🌱 #succulentmom #iveneverfeltsoproud
Mid Summer 2018

Hi Molly 👋 Thanks for posting your first photo. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping Discover and "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say "hi", simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert. Finally, if you'd like guidance on getting the most out of the app, please check out our tutorial videos: www.gardentags.com/tutorials Enjoy using GT! 😃
Haven’t posted a pic of my graptoveria in a while, so here’s an update: 3 lil babies!👶🏻