Up in the mountains in Chamonix Le Brêvent I stumbled across this miniature beauty. A tiny perfect Campanula rotundifolia in its native habitat! It made my little #plantgeek heart sing! 💚💙💚💙💚🏔🏔🏔💚💙💚 #campanularotundifolia #campanula-rotundifolia #native #nativehabitat #nativeflowers #alps #alpine #alpines #alpineinthealps #chamonix #lebrevent
Up in the mountains in Chamonix Le Brêvent I stumbled across this miniature beauty. A tiny perfect Campanula rotundifolia in its native habitat! It made my little #plantgeek heart sing! 💚💙💚💙💚🏔🏔🏔💚💙💚 #campanularotundifolia #campanula-rotundifolia #native #nativehabitat #nativeflowers #alps #alpine #alpines #alpineinthealps #chamonix #lebrevent