Meconopsis cambrica
Late Winter 2020
Early Summer 2019

Morning all! 💛💙💛 This lovely little #happyaccident is a #colourpop #combo of gorgeous #ceanothus and #selfseeded #welshpoppy #meconopsiscambrica , I absolutely love it! 💛💙💛

Beautiful!! 💙💛💙 How's the recovery going?

Great color clash...😊

Hi Natasha how are you? @tash74 I am making very slow progress, I can walk again now without crutches but have a serious limp. It is still very tender and I have pain in it on and off for no reason apart from it wanting to keep me on my toes. I have been signed off work for three months!! 😭😭😭 I am definitely managing to do a lot more on it now but I am currently seeking a second opinion from another hospital as I have had very poor care from my local hospital.

@mrsflowerpot Beck wishing you a speedy recovery, I hope a second opinion will get you sorted 😍

Thank you Sue 💚 Me too lovely 🤞🤞🤞 @suerichards

Beautiful. Would you like is to include it in our email newsletter? 😀

Of course that would be fab @ukgardentags
Mid Spring 2019

Morning all! Lots and lots of lovely Bees!! 🐝🐝🐝💛💛💛,🐝🐝🐝 #wildlifewednesday #bee #meconopsiscambrica #beethechange

Brill pic

Very beautiful photo! 🙂👍

Thank you 💚 @david71 @hobnob

Very nicely captured photo


#bestofspring19 #bestofspring2019 #bestofspring
Morning all, it was #worldwildlifeday yesterday so a day late here's my homage to the beautiful bumble 💛🐝💛🐝💛🐝💛🐝💛🐝💛🐝💛🐝 #wildlifewednesday #bumblebee #meconopsiscambrica #welshpoppy
Morning Becks seen one or two buzzing about .. fab photos 🐝🐝
Lovely #collage 💛
Super!! 💛 ⭐️ 💛