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Profile Image BECK SAXTON (Perfectly Pretty Florals)


Floral Designer & Wreath Maker ~ Flower Whisperer - GTAG'S AMBASSADOR, RHS qualified 💚

Narcissus 'Geranium' syn. Narcissus 'Advance'

  • Season Icon Early SpringEarly Spring 2020
  • Like Count 41

Happy Easter all!! 💚💚💚 Hope you are all having a lovely day in your gardens? Here is Narcissus 'Geranium' a new addition to the #mrsflowerpotbulbs collection I will be stocking them again on my eBay shop this autumn. They have an absolutely knock out perfume that is the best I've known for Narcissus. I am totally in love with them they have up to 7 flowers on each stem and look spectacular in pots. #narcissus #narcissusgeranium #fragrant #springbulbs
