Echeveria Zorro
Echeveria 'Zorro'
Early Winter 2018
- 4
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 12
Early Spring 2016
- 1
Late Autumn 2016
- 0
Mid Autumn 2016
- 3

Echeveria Zorro
Early Winter 2018
Early Summer 2017

Progress of the stalk since head chop
Early Summer 2017

Coming back nicely post beheading 😁

That's purdy!!💘😍

This one looks similar to my photo I just posted looking for an id.mine is in sun so redder


This was dark purple before the new growth Jody @Madgardener70

Very nice. Do succulents need a good amount of light through the winter. I saw where someone was talking about not enough sun light?? If you get a chance to let me know like I said I just started with succulents I have some that are doing ok I’m getting pups but still learning I thought they would b easy ......wrong

Succulents are easy if you have the right climate Terri.They should ONLY be watered when dry, Get really bright light for most of the day or at least a few hours of morning sun and be in a really free drainingcacti and succulent mix with minimal compost. Also dont plant too low as especially the Echeverias and rosette types dont like touching the soil.Air flow is needed.Hope this helps ? Good luck and would love to see pics ? @terrimclaughlin

Also Terri In some colder climates as in winter snow and frosts People need to bring indoors and a windowsil may look bright but often not enough and the plant etoliates as in stretches up and doesnt stay in its true form.Unfortunately they don't return .Some people end up with grow lights to stop this if they are really keen.Luckily in OZ we dont need to do this😁 @terrimclaughlin

@Muzz67 now that it’s winter and here in San Antonio Texas our sun isn’t to hot we’re averaging about 55 F now do I just use a regular light?? I have those fluorescent lights in my greenhouse my husband bought me grow lights but I think that wouldn’t be good for the any plants natural cycle do u think just a plant (sun) light. Appreciate ur advice. Or just good light inside my house ???

@Muzz I think we messaged at the same time Wow that hardly happens ur right some r stretching upwards. So I answered my questions I’m still impressed hoe u messaged all I asked and I asked as u were messaging. Hopefully good karma for my succulents so the answer is..... get them together and they do have grow light that fit in a regular lamp and put them on a table with the grow light. Maybe a medium wattage??? I’ll read up on it Thxs soooo much

Hi Terri! 55 F is around 13C as I know it here lol.Thats not too cold unless you get frost or snow ? Im not familiar with your weather .Could it be similar to OZ weather where you are in Texas ? If so my plants Never come inside ? @terrimclaughlin

Just looked up your climate and its similar to mine! Apart from humidity which some parts of OZ have and they need to watch the water as can rot .Mine are all out and we get down to 2 or 3 C or 35 to 37F in winter and their fine.Many colour changes are lovely in winter.You dont need grow lights and you should be able to grow outside.In pots and you can experiment and move if needed . @terrimclaughlin
Early Spring 2016

Progress shot
Late Autumn 2016
Mid Autumn 2016
#echeveriaflowers #echeveriazorro
That’s a lovely colour flower 👌🏼
Thanks @richard.spicer.7906 😁