x Pachyveria Scheideckeri
Late Spring 2017
Mid Spring 2017

Called 'Shines like a pearl' #echiveria #repotting #succulentcollector #crassulaceae

This is more like a Graptoveria Tricolour ? https://goo.gl/images/TBaFeM

@Muzz67 they came from here http://www.ovata.nl/en/pearls/

@Muzz67 they came from here http://www.ovata.nl/en/pearls/ so I think it might be their own combination of echeveria ? Either that or they renamed it to something a bit more 'British' sounding. 😅😅

Oh wait its Pachyveria scheideckeri Oops!

Lol Oh ok the leaves look too thick for an Echeveria 😆

I am going by the label it had with it :s they are pretty thick leaves that die on contact with touching anything for too long... Saving its babies was/is a PAIN. Thats one of the little plants I will take ones of the original plant tomorrow but as far as I can tell its definetly a strain thats been 'made' or is grown specifically by this company. But I am new to all this so not much of an idea! :)
The mama plant is getting RIDICULOUS. I've no idea what to do with it either as theres no way I want thousands of these plants. I already have about 10 in propogation. 😆 #succulents #indoorgarden #window #urbangardening
How often do u water yours? I'm new with succulents it gets about 95 degrees here in sthrn Texas I don't want to overwater and should you always spread small gravel on top before potting?? Morning sun or all shade@terrimclaughlin
@terrimclaughlin hey I am also extremly new to succulents. So for this one, it likes full sun and minimal watering (once every few weeks) but others like to be watered daily but small amounts, just depends.on your plant. I usually give my plants a mix of food/water as they are still getting established. If you are worried about over watering, put some water in a cup or bowl where you keep your plants so it evaporates, giving them a bit more of a 'wet' atmosphere but just depends on the plants.
@terrimclaughlin also for soil, usually I use an extremely free draining soil for repotting and haven't bothered with stones on most as it hides the soil so I can't keep checking on it, this one had stones to keep it upright as it kept falling over. I would say I usually water my succulents sparingly once every two weeks or week and a half depending on how dry their soil gets/heat. Etc. Hope that helps!
Myla_moss what kind of food to u feed your succulents and how often?? Thxs for all the tips on how to care for them👍🏻😊💕
No worries, I just get whatevers labeled liquid cactus/succulent feed, usually amazon has a wide selection. If you can't get freedraining soil you can get additives to make it coarse.