Bought these two rose bushes at Menards yesterday and after unwrapping them to plant saw they both are infected with white powdery mildew. Ended up planting them in these pots instead of the ground for now to try and treat them. Any suggestions on best way to organically get them healthy again? #rose-disease
Home spray for roses. 1/2 cup of each to a gallon of water. Liquid dish soap, baking soda, and cooking oil. Spray top and bottom of leaves. Soap for the aphids and insects, baking soda for mildew and black spot, and cooking oil as a sticker to keep the rain from wasing it off. Do it in the morning early.
Don't see why not as it has nothing harmful to plants or the environment. Actually my old recipe said one cup of each ingredient to a gallon of water. Best of luck to you.
Bought these two rose bushes at Menards yesterday and after unwrapping them to plant saw they both are infected with white powdery mildew. Ended up planting them in these pots instead of the ground for now to try and treat them. Any suggestions on best way to organically get them healthy again? #rose-disease
Home spray for roses. 1/2 cup of each to a gallon of water. Liquid dish soap, baking soda, and cooking oil. Spray top and bottom of leaves. Soap for the aphids and insects, baking soda for mildew and black spot, and cooking oil as a sticker to keep the rain from wasing it off. Do it in the morning early.
@maldavis would this work on other plants as well?
Don't see why not as it has nothing harmful to plants or the environment. Actually my old recipe said one cup of each ingredient to a gallon of water. Best of luck to you.