Brassica Oleracea var. Italica 'Autumn Spear'
Broccoli Calabrese 'Autumn Spear'
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 2
Late Spring 2016
- 1
Early Spring 2016
- 8

Brassica Oleracea var. Italica 'Autumn Spear'
Late Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018

#Broccoli 6 x #sown= 💯 % germination #Hardened of for 3 weeks = Coming on a treat in the #front #garden-urban #Inch Seed = #planted out = 2months. Really need to start slug squish 🤔👀😬every night now,it’s warming up in #Edinburgh #AutumnSpear #gyo #freebies #0 of £50 year budget
Late Spring 2016

Early Spring 2016

My Wee Autumn Spear Broccoli has sprung from seeds I collected last year. That plant grew in straw bails brilliantly .. Great for wind chill prone plants.. Very snug and productive etc

#tip #strawbale #seedlings #broccoli
Hi Naomi. do you have any tips for getting seeds to grow. i wanted to grow cucumbers and peppers but no luck. shpuld i get a propagator?

You don't need to buy a propagater @Dianemcauliffe but it makes a huge help in the keeping toastie to germinate front. I use any container spare with a clear lid. An old ikea under bed box or for smaller windowsill ones use old sweet shop jars.. For cucumbers wait until the next full moon ( not a hippy swear ) it's simple science promise ! It will help the juices get going for germination , it's never failed me .. Oh and it will have warmed up a bit by then .. Hope that helps

Oh and @Dianemcauliffe soak the larger seeds like cucumbers for a couple of hours in water that's had a 1/4 of aspirin displaced in it- cucumbers will romp! @Dianemcauliffe 😜

Dissolved above 😳
Thank you so much. :-)

#seedleaves #gyo #newgrowth #frosty #label #autumn #broccoli #Calabrese #geodome #nonheated
Think I need to start growing my Broccoli in Hydroponics units to try and stop them #bolting, in the heat we’re having in #Edinburgh now. I’m researching to start local workshops on Hydroponics at the mo, anyone got any good story’s? Legal ones 😆 Hydroponics is the future for us, urban folk #gyo food, what do you all Garden Tags folks think ? Thanks #naomi126 #broccoli-sprouting #urban #foodforfutureuse #research @teamgardentags any chance ask folk about there Hydro & Permaculture 💋