Capsicum 'Bell Boy'
- Late Spring 2016
- 13
- Late Spring 2016
- 14
The hole Wee unit I made for a Green bell pepper, Bellboy that I had also save from £1 shop, 3-4 weeks ago , the shop which I adore, and could not garden without.. but oh how sad some plants look sometime 😳😱 TLC and now 1. Experiment iii Hydroponics iii As my Geodome greenhouse is rather hot and oh they'll need it... Time to give Hydroponics a shot at saving time I don't have . 😬🤔🤔😘
3 😱 not 1
An Aubergine Black Beauty that I had too save from £1 shop, which I adore, but oh how sad some plants look sometime 😳😱 TLC and now 1. Experiment iii Hydroponics iii As my Geodome greenhouse is rather hot and oh they'll need it... Time to give Hydroponics a shot at saving time I don't have . 😬🤔🤔😘 #greenpepper #bellboy #£1shop, #adore #Experimentiii #Hydroponicsiii #Geodome #greenhouse #hot %Hydroponics #timesaving #labels #pots #diy #gyo #£100ayearbudget
Ok copy and paste screw up 😱😬
You have me in stitches 😂😂😂😉
12 xdays in a happy chappy 😘
@Naomi126 Why has a green pepper got a white livingstone daisy for companion. He should have got a sod of grass. GREEN? I think I give up 😂😂