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Profile Image Naomi Hare


Hello all from here in the Scottish Borders - Kelso - started of years ago on here in Edinburgh - Total luddite can’t spell for toffee 😊🤣 enjoyall.

Cucumis melo 'Emir'

  • Season Icon Late SpringLate Spring 2016
  • Like Count 9

Melon The best Wee seedling in for the 8th tub Experiment viii Hydroponics iii As my Geodome greenhouse is rather hot and oh they'll need it... 🌻😬☕️Time to give Hydroponics a shot at saving time I don't have . 😬🤔🤔😘 #melon #grownfromseed, #seedling #Experimentiv #Hydroponicsiii #Geodome #greenhouse #hot %Hydroponics #timesaving #labels #pots #diy #gyo #£100ayearbudget #pillowcase #wickmethod #ish 😂 #freebie #jameswong #labels
