Cucumis Sativus 'Marketmore'
Late Spring 2020
Late Spring 2020

Evening all - just updating for the new growing year of cost- long story - year budget used so far £21.34 feel free to Ignor. 1-2 pic #Cucumber-Market-more x4 outdoor germination with mini -sponge #hydro-unit. #20/05/20-Naomi126 #freebie #bridgendseedswap2018 #gyo #diy #onabudget
Evening all - just updating for the new growing year of cost- long story - year budget used so far £21.34 feel free to Ignor. 2-2 📸pic #Cucumber-Market-more x4 outdoor germination with mini -sponge #hydro-unit. #20/05/20-Naomi126 #freebie #bridgendseedswap2018 #gyo #diy #onabudget