#Seeds collected off BigC’s Cacti 🌵 in ##Seeds at the beginning of last month - #August18.. popped in #Freezer for a few days , then soaked in a wee bit of #Aspirin #advice 🤔💡updating #Grow-diary pic 1- 4 = germination #first #naomihare126 Nisbet at the beginning of last month - #August18.. popped in #Freezer pic 5 germination #cactiseed
#Seeds collected off BigC’s Cacti 🌵 in ##Seeds at the beginning of last month - #August18.. popped in #Freezer for a few days , then soaked in a wee bit of #Aspirin #advice 🤔💡updating #Grow-diary pic 1- 4 = germination #first #naomihare126 Nisbet at the beginning of last month - #August18.. popped in #Freezer pic 5 germination #cactiseed