Mid Summer 2018
- 4
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 3
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Mid Summer 2017
- 5

Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2017

Wow that was quick - less then a week and they've germinated 🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾 #succulentsunday
Mid Summer 2017

Morning job done - eBay 1p 🍾 off my budget , 100x succulent seeds... I'll believe it when I see them ... 😬🤔😆 #succullents #seeds #sownfromseed #daydreams #labels #diy #propergator #urban

Oooo, post pics when you see anything!! I was going to buy lithops seeds (living stones) online but I just couldn't trust amazon @Naomi126 hahahah😂😂

Oooo sounds interesting ...and worth a go anyway lol
Mid Summer 2017

Morning job done - eBay 1p 🍾 off my budget , 100x succulent seeds... I'll believe it when I see them ... 😬🤔😆 #succullents #seeds #sownfromseed #daydreams 24/07/17

Good luck with them and I hope they surprise you and exceed expectations.
Mid Summer 2017

Postman brought a 1p off my budget ( eBay) wee bag of #Succulent #seed surprises hopefully 😬 hope they are succulent seeds 😬😊😆 soon find out. 24/07/17

Good luck ! Can't wait to see what grows 😅

Awsome seeds

Fingers and toes crossed 😉😉

How did the seeds do ? I've seen some on eBay for cheap but not sure if I should get any ☺️
From a mix of seeds last year - #kekedama living for the past 6months, experiment a success I’d say.. anyone any idea which variety of succulent ... think tonight will new research night for me on the subject. Have a good afternoon folks . Oh @teamgardentags the button to facebooks vanished how would I get it back on out of interest if possible thx
Echeveria Dionysos possibly ?
@Yollymac can you help @Naomi126 identify this?
@Susanandsteve thank you for the Tag. I agree this plant is E. Dionysos. 😊