Hydrangea seemannii
Seemann's Hydrangea
- Early Spring 2017
- 1
- 3
- Mid Spring 2016
- 1
- 2
- Mid Spring 2016
- 0
- 1
Hydrangea seemannii
- Early Spring 2017
- 1
- Mid Spring 2016
- 1
Can anyone tell me why my climbing hydrangea has brown spotted leaves? It's on an east facing wall.😟
Mines similar at the moment and I'm putting it down to frost.
- Mid Spring 2016
- 0
Can anyone tell me why my climbing Hydrangea has these brown spotted leaves? It's east facing but fairly protected from the wind,any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.xx
Does anyone know what's wrong with this plant? Any help/info would be great.😳
Has it been frosted perhaps or cold wind damage?
joanboston,could possibly be windburnt as we've not really suffered with frost.Dont really know where else I can put it though as it's a climber.