Help me identify this plant. I found it at work covered in snails, I cut off all the affected leaves and re-potted it. Asked th boss if I could have it and she said yes. It was almostgone when I got home 3 weeks later a new pot and fresh peat and it's really come good #succullents
Help me identify this plant. I found it at work covered in snails, I cut off all the affected leaves and re-potted it. Asked th boss if I could have it and she said yes. It was almostgone when I got home 3 weeks later a new pot and fresh peat and it's really come good #succullents
Well done.
#plantID-succulent @becky @Muzz67 @succulentandfriends @hazec @alovealoe
Kalanchoe thyrisflora
Nice save 😁