Mammillaria Geminispina Common Names include: ENGLISH: Whitey, Twin Spined Cactus, White Cactus RUSSIAN (Русский): Маммиллярия парноколючковая SPANISH (Español): Cabeza blanca UKRAINIAN (Українська): Мамілярія гемініспіна, Мамілярія парноколючкова Description: Mammillaria geminispina is a highly variable densely spined species. Some cluster aggressively and form 30 to 90 cm large clumps that appear white, while other seem to stay more solitary. Stem: Short cylindrical, light green whit latex,
Mammillaria Geminispina Common Names include: ENGLISH: Whitey, Twin Spined Cactus, White Cactus RUSSIAN (Русский): Маммиллярия парноколючковая SPANISH (Español): Cabeza blanca UKRAINIAN (Українська): Мамілярія гемініспіна, Мамілярія парноколючкова Description: Mammillaria geminispina is a highly variable densely spined species. Some cluster aggressively and form 30 to 90 cm large clumps that appear white, while other seem to stay more solitary. Stem: Short cylindrical, light green whit latex,