(Acquired 29 July 2017; Php100 each; Laguna) 09 August 2017 Please help me identify this plant. These have scalloped succulent tiny leaves with some stems that are reddish/orangey. Thanks! #plantid #succulent #WhatsHanginWednesday #PHGardenTags #plantid-solved #PHGardenTagsPlectranthusProstratus #pillowplant #succulentswedishivy
@newjeanius I'm pretty sure this is what my plant I can't identify is, too! Mine is just a couple small cuttings from my grandmother. Maybe you having the whole plant will help, lol.
(Acquired 29 July 2017; Php100 each; Laguna) 09 August 2017 Please help me identify this plant. These have scalloped succulent tiny leaves with some stems that are reddish/orangey. Thanks! #plantid #succulent #WhatsHanginWednesday #PHGardenTags #plantid-solved #PHGardenTagsPlectranthusProstratus #pillowplant #succulentswedishivy
@newjeanius I'm pretty sure this is what my plant I can't identify is, too! Mine is just a couple small cuttings from my grandmother. Maybe you having the whole plant will help, lol.
I hope so Melissa @dreadsgirl80 🤞C'mon #GTers, help us out here 😁
It may be Succulent Swedish Ivy ( Plectranthus prostratus) .
Oh hey! Googled the name and that's it! Thanks so much, Mehul @mehul22!
@dreadsgirl80 ☝🏼
You're welcome ! 😊 @newjeanius
Hanging outside in the roofed porch; semi-shade/part sun. Watering when top inch of soil is dry, about every 3-4 days.