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Profile Image Jean F.


Silang, Cavite PH. Crazy plant lady since February 2017. A cactus here and there but foliage is my jam. Indoors, balcony and a bit of the garden.

Philodendron 'Black Cardinal' syn. Philodendron erubescens 'Black Cardinal'

  • Season Icon Early AutumnEarly Autumn 2017
  • Like Count 2

20 September 2017 Second new leaf unfurling; so red and shiny! Had to dig this up from the garden and pot it up again coz the kitten kept jumping on the leaves and ripping them up 😖 #philodendron #PhilodendronBlackCardinal #PHGardenTags #PHGardenTagsPhilodendron #PHGardenTagsPhilodendronBlackCardinal #DarkLeaves

  • Season Icon Mid SummerMid Summer 2017
  • Like Count 5

(Acquired 09 August 2017; PhP400; Laguna) Notes: 15 August 2017 This was a rescue. Planted out in the garden, east side, under a pomelo tree with light, dappled shade. Watering when top 50% of soil is dry. #philodendron #PhilodendronBlackCardinal #PHGardenTags #PHGardenTagsPhilodendron #PHGardenTagsPhilodendronBlackCardinal #DarkLeaves
