12 September 2017: Can you see the baby 👶 in there?! I'm a proud grandma 👵! 😁 #TillandsiaTuesday #TillandsiaHoustonCottonCandy #PHGardenTags #PHGardenTagsTillandsia
(Acquired 15 July 2017; PhP300 with steel hanger; Laguna). Notes: 01 August 2017 On east-facing window, getting direct morning sun; bright indirect the rest of the day. Air plant care is a bit confusing so right now, soak once a week for 30 minutes then place upside down with a fan to dry for up to 4 hours. Misting every 2-3 days. Needs good air circulation but avoid placing in windy spots #tillandsia #tillandsiahoustoncottoncandy #tillandsiatuesday #airplant #PHGardenTags #phgardentagstillandsi
12 September 2017: Can you see the baby 👶 in there?! I'm a proud grandma 👵! 😁 #TillandsiaTuesday #TillandsiaHoustonCottonCandy #PHGardenTags #PHGardenTagsTillandsia
Haha Katie @brightcolours. I'm giddy!