@nichong. French Tarragon and Winter Savory are my favorite herbs. I planted fr. Tarragon early this year it grew nice and then all of a sudden it turned brown and died. Maybe it was too much of Hot sun here in Atlanta. I will be buying it again i can’t live without it. I use it in Ratatouille. When we lived in Westchester, NY i had fr. Tarragon about 3-4 ft high and 3-4 ft round.
@nichong. French Tarragon and Winter Savory are my favorite herbs. I planted fr. Tarragon early this year it grew nice and then all of a sudden it turned brown and died. Maybe it was too much of Hot sun here in Atlanta. I will be buying it again i can’t live without it. I use it in Ratatouille. When we lived in Westchester, NY i had fr. Tarragon about 3-4 ft high and 3-4 ft round.