@lesliecole49 yes!!! It’s the beefsteak herb. I’m so jealous that it grows wild. If you ever collect seeds, I would love to get some. Maybe we can do a seed exchange if there are anything you like that I can collect seeds for you. 😍 I make a simple Shiso tea with sugar and eat them raw in salads and spring rolls. The Japanese have a summer drink that you might want to try: https://www.google.com/amp/s/cookingwithkoji.wordpress.com/2017/08/30/summer-drink-shiso-juice-making-2017/amp/
#Gyo #giy #growfromseeds #redshiso #japaneseshiso #perilla #domsabode #niching
I think I have the same thing growing wild. Commonly called a beefsteak plant.
@lesliecole49 yes!!! It’s the beefsteak herb. I’m so jealous that it grows wild. If you ever collect seeds, I would love to get some. Maybe we can do a seed exchange if there are anything you like that I can collect seeds for you. 😍 I make a simple Shiso tea with sugar and eat them raw in salads and spring rolls. The Japanese have a summer drink that you might want to try: https://www.google.com/amp/s/cookingwithkoji.wordpress.com/2017/08/30/summer-drink-shiso-juice-making-2017/amp/