- Early Spring 2019
- 14
- 1
- Early Spring 2019
- 14
- 2
- Late Winter 2019
- 26
- 10
- Late Winter 2019
- 19
- 1
- Late Winter 2019
- 16
- 1
- Mid Winter 2019
- 21
- 5
- Early Winter 2019
- 9
- 1
- Early Spring 2019
- 14
- Early Spring 2019
- 14
My #yellowsnapdragon flowering nicely I recently transplanted them they were in much needed of bigger pots #snapdragon #yellow #yellowflower
Thank you @cyndi
- Late Winter 2019
- 26
This is the front of my #snapdragon i really hate this metal fence. I need to maybe plant some morning glories. i don't know. any ideas
Very pretty !!
Thank you @sherrisgarden
You're welcome
Beautiful pink color 😍
Thank you I agree @jyotu
Is it grows with bulb??
@jyotu the flowers dry then little pods form then when dried you can get little tiny black seeds from the pods
I love this plant, i think i can grow them in only winter?
Very pretty
- Late Winter 2019
- 19
New flowers on my #snapdragon i love this color pink and yellow when i bought the plant it had yellow flowers. I got two for one didn't even know. #daffodil
- Late Winter 2019
- 16
#snapdragon #seedpod got some seeds from the dried pods not these
- Mid Winter 2019
- 21
I also got this lovely #pink one growing with the #yellow #snapdragon. And little one reaching in. Lol
Thank you @cpl721
So beautiful
- Early Winter 2019
- 9
#yellow #snapdragon
I love the color on this #pinknyellow #snapdragon