Thanks so much @Pushkraj and @brightcolours Since you've identified it I've had a bit of a Google. Certainly won't be eating it! Not really sure how it got there as I wouldn't have planted it, but since it's flowering I guess the bees will like it so I might leave it there. xo
No worries @nikyt :) the public works dept in India uses these extensively for roadside beautification. They look very pretty indeed! I believe 🐶 understand to keep away instinctively but one can never be certain!
Ghoulish Halloween fact: there's a related plant grown in south India that bears largeish fruit. These fruits are consumed to commit suicide 😨 it's not this one though dw!!!!
Help me identify this plant. Any ideas? I wasn't sure if it was a weed or maybe something I'd forgotten that I'd planted (?)!!
Oleander - it's a poisonous plant.
#oleander Easy to grow from cuttings. But as @Pushkraj says don't go chewing on it. #poisonous
#oleander #pink reminds me of Italy 💕
Thanks so much @Pushkraj and @brightcolours Since you've identified it I've had a bit of a Google. Certainly won't be eating it! Not really sure how it got there as I wouldn't have planted it, but since it's flowering I guess the bees will like it so I might leave it there. xo
How lovely @sue1953 That's made me like it more. xo
Oleander is on this list:
#poisonous too for stock and humans #sap sticks on clothes and tools 😱
No worries @nikyt :) the public works dept in India uses these extensively for roadside beautification. They look very pretty indeed! I believe 🐶 understand to keep away instinctively but one can never be certain!
Ghoulish Halloween fact: there's a related plant grown in south India that bears largeish fruit. These fruits are consumed to commit suicide 😨 it's not this one though dw!!!!
Do many people commit suicide that way? @Pushkraj