Mid Summer 2017
Mid Winter 2017

Can anyone help me that how to save this plant, how much water and fertilize to it? @drumadixit @shruti @Pushkraj

Shedding leaves in winter is a common finding. If stems are firm, do not worry. They do not need much water especially through dormancy otherwise root rot will occur. Water only sparingly, making sure that soil is not wet. In spring you will notice leaves. You may start applying mild fertilizer then.

If u worrying about shedding leaves then don't worry leaves will come back soon. But if u r worried about the reddish spot on the tip of the branches then it is really a topic of concern. I think @drumadixit will give a better solution for it. I'm also facing this problem( brown burning type spot) in my adenium plant.

All great advice given.

Thank You @drumadixit @shruti and @leisel for your advices.. Actually every year I planted this tree, every time stem got rotten, maybe due to over watering... ☺

@nitishbindal was thinking about your frangipani and wondering if you have the space to grow straight into ground? Or do you need to protect it from winter weather? Condition of your soil health? Add lots of organic matter to open up soil, if possible.

Good morning. There's nothing wrong with your plant. It sheds leaves this time of year. The red tips as @shruti called them are the tips of new foliage. It looks in a healthy condition to me.

I grow my three plants (all grown from cuttings) in containers too.

@nitishbindal yes root rot occurs due to over watering. And it applies on all plants. In winter water your all plants only once or two in a week.

Thank You @Pushkraj and @shruti 😊

@Pushkraj my adenium plant has brown burned type tips and whenever new buds starts to form it also looks like burned and the bud never blooms. I'll post it's photo later.

@shruti same happened with mine.. when new buds emerged they turned black...
@gauravsh6 here's the picture of my frangipani full of leaves..
Beautiful Shot. Blooms Colour ?