Allium cepa (Cepa Group) 'Sturon'
Onion 'Sturon'
Mid Summer 2016
- 6
Mid Summer 2016
- 6
Mid Summer 2016
- 7
Mid Summer 2016
- 10
Early Summer 2016
- 1
Early Summer 2016
- 2
Early Summer 2016
- 3

Allium cepa (Cepa Group) 'Sturon'
Mid Summer 2016
Mid Summer 2016

The row lifted now we want sun sun sun

That's quite a lot!

Wow. What do you do with them all. Can you post some to me !!!!

Thats a rather good haul of onion's

Lots of #gyo

Nice 👌🏻📸👌🏻
Mid Summer 2016

They weigh about a lb each

Super duper mine too wet to lift at the moment

Just lifted mine too Neil 👍👍

Wow 🌸

Wow, Nobby needs to make some French Onion Soup with Cheese & Croutons & may be a cheeky glass of white. 😋

They no good for French onion soup they English onions

Game, set & match.
Mid Summer 2016

This weather is not good for growing onions need hot dry weather from now on any more rain and they will not keep well, I doubt they will last the Autumn

#Gyo #tip

@nobby ......still looking good though Neil :)

Looking great though! And you can always chop and freeze if you don't think they will store..

Never though of that

I agree. I pulled mine up last month because they'd sat in water on the field. When I got to them they were all slimy and horrid. They've been wrapped in brown paper ever since.

Looking good I can see you know your onions....

Yes I picked some last week I think I will get the rest up next week as most of the tops have dropped over now.

You must be very busy you have lots of different vegetables growing

I tried growing onions last year but i think i buried them too deep
Early Summer 2016

You know you onions 😃
Early Summer 2016
Early Summer 2016

#Gyo Need a drop of rain

Looking good!

Careful what you wish for @nobby 💦💦💦😉
As bad as watching paint dry
I would like to grow my own vegetables
Nothing stopping you if you've got room @gillies
@gillies do it! I was saying this only a few months ago I've done tomatoes & strawberries ive just bought potato's for Xmas peas & spring onions oh & raspberry & blueberry lol! All mine in pots xx
Thank you for the comments growing in pots if I can
@gillies I'm in a rental so 90% of my plants are in pots, including fruit trees that ppl told me wouldn't grow in pots 😊 I've found if you're prepared to give them a bit of extra TLC (vs in ground) then most things will grow. I say give it a red hot go!! 😀