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Profile Image Heidi-Jane Westwood


We moved here in Jul 2017, I’m aiming to transform the garden on a low budget. There is a lot of concrete, patio, clay, levels and so drainage issues.

Cupressus Sempervirens

  • Season Icon Early SummerEarly Summer 2018
  • Like Count 9
  • Season Icon Late SpringLate Spring 2018
  • Like Count 2

Hi. I'm trying to grow Italian Cypress plant and I noticed some white stuff on the leaves today. Also, the leaves are turning brown from the inside. Could it be infected? If so, how should I take further care? I don't want it to die!


Hi, I’m pretty new to caring for these trees so you should get professional advice from a nursery or the internet. The Italian Cypress is drought-tolerant and needs to dry out between waterings. Too much water or soil with poor drainage will cause the tree to turn brown and can also cause root rot. Too little water will also cause browning. They need to be in full sun and not up against something.
